During economic crisis, managing businesses are going to be difficult to understand and predict, but sometimes this might work in your favor. If you quickly spend time to understand the ongoing landscape of your market and develop a business plan you can re-optimize your business’s positioning and sales. Likewise, during current pandemic, if you’re able to capitalize on the time available now, and work on a business plan, you may have an entirely new revenue stream to leverage or a whole new business pathway.
A business plan can guide your business to growth. It defines your revenue model, estimates your return on investment and covers strategic and financial projections based on market data. If you are seeking for funding or as a Founder need to understand how to prepare for your business, this is a report you will need to develop.
Sometimes, due to extreme economic conditions traditional market planning and sales strategy won’t help your business through this condition. In this scenario developing multiple sales strategies and marketing plan can assist in choosing the best option which can help deliver positive results. The purpose of a business plan is to help articulate a strategy for improving your business.
Your business plan should include explicit objectives for hiring new employees, market analysis, financial projections, sales strategy and potential investors. The objectives should help your business prosper and grow. Reaching out to a business consultant can help you create new methodologies or frameworks to guide your business plan and recommend how to achieve goals more effectively and efficiently.
There are few critical functions to be re-accessed in a business plan during tough economic times to assure a business runs effectively
1) Sales and Procurement Strategy –

Making changes in sales and Procurement strategy does not have to be discouraging. While cutting costs seems inevitable during tough economic times, it’s important that you continue executing revenue-generating activities. Depending on your industry, sales may drop. Adapting to sudden and temporary changes in consumer behavior is an effective way to combat this. A business plan can help you establish a new sales strategy. Developing a proper plan can help you determine new alternative supply chain, identify new suppliers and tweaking costs which are critical business driven priorities for sales team during crisis.
2) Customer Delivery –
Entrepreneurs must understand how situations differ for their customers and the change or shift in the customer preferences and build a business plan accordingly. This can be a challenge but it’s also an opportunity to get to know customers better and grow stronger, deeper relationships. It is important that a business actively contribute by innovating new product portfolio. Companies should ask themselves two critical questions: Do we have a product the world needs right now? Or can we rapidly adapt our product portfolio to provide goods that are urgently needed? Pursuing this approach in business plan, companies can use their strengths to provide essential products, even if those goods are outside of their current product offering.
During an uncertain time period, their next concern is often financial. As companies are forced to change operations for an uncertain time period, individuals and millions of small business owners face massive income and liquidity issues. For an in-depth understanding about financial concerns, hiring a business consultant for a developing a business plan is highly advisable to reduce risk.
3) Re-tweaking your Financial –

One of the best ways to deal with financial problems is creating a business plan. Determining your financial priorities is essential to overcome any financial crisis. You may have to re-tweak your financial during economic crisis to overcome questions like, does your business need to raise capital? If yes, how much? One of the purposes of a business plan is to help you to determine exactly how much capital you need and what you will use it for. Re-tweaking your financial can help you determine unnecessary costs and expenses and reduce functional instability.
Having a business plan is not an Option – it is a Must Have document for all businesses whether small, mid or big. This can help most businesses to address financial challenges and planning for the business in the most optimum way forward by reducing expenses and increasing income, or a little combination of both. So, to deal with it, take small steps to accomplish your goals because big changes are always much harder.
4) Changing Marketing Strategy –
Your whole survival is dependent on the market conditions and your only way to reach out to your customers is through a proper marketing Strategy. How to reach out to your customers is the key. Marketing Plan is an important element of the Business Plan and this will help you to gain a wider, deeper and more nuanced understanding of your marketplace.
Like all other elements, Marketing Plan will also need to be tweaked to be relevant and implementable during the challenging times. A proper Marketing Strategy will employ the same messaging and tactical mix of developing the need for the products of your company. Sometime the entire marketing plan needs an overhaul. With the level of adjustment with your marketing plan whether short-term, or long-term depends upon your company, your products or service offering, and how it ties to the nature of the economic crisis.
To conclude: Whatever be the economic scenario- a well-documented and updated Business Plan is the Must Have Document on a Year on Year Basis and compare it with the Month on Month performance to measure the growth vis a vis the plan.